Office Order


  1. Office Order Regarding Shortlisting for the post of AP – Criterion for award of GATE marks
  2. Office Order Regarding Guidelines for availing Special Casual Leave and Duty Leave by faculty members
  3. Office Order No.SLIET/Dean/SW/1983 dated 10.03.2025 regarding Faculty Advisor for Science Club
  4. Office Order Regarding Recruitment of Faculty posts – Criteria for awarding marks for degree obtained from a Foreign Institution/University
  5. Office order 06/02/2025 regarding referral and medical bills
  6. Office order regarding Research & Development Cell
  7. Office order regarding nominate of NEP SARTHI Coordinator
  8. Office order regarding Activities to be carried out by Social Media Cell and the PRO
  9. Office order regarding the Headship of Physics department Prof. A.S.Dhaliwal
  10. Office order regarding the Additional Duties of Chairman and Vice Chairman of SLIET Entrance Test-2025
  11. Office order regarding IRG dated 30.11.2024
  12. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Dean (Student Welfare) Dr. M.M.Sinha, Prof
  13. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Chairman, Central Library Dr. S.S.Ghumman, AsP
  14. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Chairman and Co-ordinator, Central Faciltiy
  15. Office order regarding the assignment of Additional Duties of Associate Dean (Academic Planning) & Associate Dean (Research)
  16. Office Order regarding Nomination of Dr. Preetpal Kaur Buttar, AP (CSE) as Nodal Officer of SWAYAM Plus
  17. Office Order regarding Committee for the Prevention of Caste-based Discrimination
  18. Office Order regarding Assigning the additional charge of HOD, Chemical Engineering
  19. Office Order regarding purchase procedure
  20. Office order regarding joining of Sh. Kulvir Singh Sidhu as Upper Division Clerk
  21. Office Letter for Promotion to the post of UDC through DPC (Sh. Kulvir Singh Sidhu)
  22. Offer Letter for promotion to the post of Assistant through DPC. ( Sh. Subhash Chander)
  23. Office Order regarding Appointment of Nodal Officer Anti-ragging for 2024-25
  24. Office order regarding the joining of Sh. Rattan Chand as Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
  25. Office order regarding addition duties /responsibilities of Faculty Co-ordinator of (SWAYAM/ MOOC) to Prof. Surita Maini (EIE)
  26. Office order regarding additional duties/responsibilities of Dean (Academics) to Prof. A. S. Shahi (ME)
  27. Office order regarding Additional duties/responsibilities of Dean (Student Welfare) to Prof A. S. Dhaliwal (Physics)
  28. Office order regarding Headship of Department of EIE 
  29. Office Order regarding Re-constitution of Social Media Cell
  30. Office Order regarding Intimation for Online Interaction with Nodal Officers of all HEI’s regarding UGC E-Samadhaan Portal
  31. Order Order regarding reshuffling of Non-teaching employees
  32. Office Order regarding appointment of Nodal Officer (NICE)
  33. Office order regarding Nomination of Director of Distance Education/E-Learning for various online courses
  34. Office order regarding Extension in tenure as Associate Dean (Dr. Charanjiv Gupta)
  35. Office order regarding establishment of “International Cell”
  36. Office order regarding re-designating the position of FI (ACSS) to Associate Dean (ERP/SAMARTH and ACSS)
  37. Office order regarding additional duties of Headship of Mechanical  and Civil Department to Dr. Shankar Singh, Prof. (ME)
  38. Office order regarding assigning the additional duties of Nodal Officers for Scholarship Cell
  39. Circular regarding Anti-Ragging Committee
  40. Office Order regarding constitution of Committee for SCs/STs
  41. Office order regarding Extend the period of contractual engagement in respect of Ms. Neha Gupta, ATPO
  42. Office Order regarding Additional duties of Head, Training & Placement
  43. Office Order regarding Additional duties of Dean (Alumni and Industrial Relations)
  44. Office Order regarding reshuffling of Non-teaching employees 03.04.2024
  45. Office order regarding reshuffling of Non teaching staff
  46. Office order regarding to appoint Dr. Ravinder Kumar Saxena, Professor (ME) as NEP Coordinator
  47. Office order regarding approved TA to the Visiting Consultants
  48. Office Order regarding Additional duties of Professor In-charges and Associate Deans
  49. Office order regarding constitution of Minority Cell
  50. Office order regarding additional duty to Dr. Major Singh Goraya, Prof. (CSE) as Co-Ordinator of the Industry-Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC)
  51. Office order regarding Appointment of Dr. Gurjinder Kaur as Convener of the Social Media Cell
  52. Office Orders regarding Appointment of Prof. V.K. Kukreja as PRO and Convener
  53. Office Order regarding additional duties of HoD (Chemistry) to Dr. Harish Kumar Chopra, Professor (Chemistry)
  54. Office order regarding joining as Upper Division Clerk
  55. Office order regarding joining as Senior Technician
  56. Offer Letter for promotion to the post of Senior Technician through DPC
  57. Office Letter for Promotion to the Post of UDC through DPC
  58. Joining Office Order regarding Promotion as Assistant (Sh. Satpal Singh)
  59. Joining Office Order regarding Promotion as Head Cashier (Sh. Vinod Kumar)
  60. Office order regarding the reconstitution of House Allotment Committee
  61. Office order regarding extension in Tenure of FI (Civil) upto 31.12.2023 ( Dr. Avinash Thakur)
  62. Office order regarding extension in Tenure as Associate Dean (P&D) upto 31.12.2023 Dr. Avinash Thakur
  63. Office order regarding formation of Women Cell
  64. Office Order regarding the DPC for the Post of UDC. (Mr. Surjit Singh & Mr. Bhagwan Singh)
  65. Office Order regarding the DPC for the post of LDC. (Sh. Ravinder Singh)
  66. Office Order regarding the DPC for the post of DEO. (Mr. Ranvijay Kumar Singh)
  67. Office Order regarding the additional duties of Co-ordinator of IQAC & PGO
  68. Office Order regarding Assignment of additional duties of Headship of department Electronics & Communication to Dr. Ajay Pal Singh Chauhan, Prof. (ECE)
  69. Circular regarding Revised Option for fixation
  70. Office Order regarding Assignment of additional duties of Dean (Planning & Development) to Dr. Kamlesh Kumari, Prof. (Chem. Engg.)
  71. Office Order regarding Assignment of additional duties of Dean (Research and Consultancy) to Dr. Surinder Singh, Prof. (ECE)
  72. Office Order regarding Assignment of additional duties of Dean (Faculty and Staff Welfare) to Dr. Kamlesh Prashad, Prof. (FET)
  73. Assignment of additional duties of HOD (Workshop) to Dr. Raj Kumar Yadav, Professor (ME)
  74. Assignment of additional duties of Coordinator, Workshop to Dr. Mohd. Majid, Associate Professor (ME)
  75. Office Order regarding Compensatory Leave
  76. Office Order regarding assignment of additional duties to head of department Mathematics to Dr. Janak Raj Sharma, Prof. (Maths)
  77. Office Order regarding Movement of Payment cases in order to avoid penal interest levied by Gem Portal
  78. Office Order regarding Extension in the tenure of Dean (Academic) for the further period of one year  w.e.f. 24.07.2023 
  79. Office Order regarding Extension in the Tenure of Dean (SW) for the further period of one year w.e.f. 20.07.2023
  80. Office Order regarding Extension in the Tenure of Associate Dean (SW) for the further period of one year w.e.f. 24.07.2023
  81. Office Order regarding Extension in the Tenure of Associate Dean (Acad. Planning) for the period of one year w.e.f. 16.07.2023
  82. Office Order regarding Joining of Prof. Mani Kant Paswan, Director, SLIET 
  83. Office order regarding the Tenure as Faculty In-Charge (Civil) extended till further orders. (Dr. Avinash Thakur)
  84. Office order regarding the Extension in Tenure as HOD of DDS. (Dr. Pradyuman Kumar)
  85. Office order regarding the Extension in Tenure as HOD of ECE department. (Dr. Surinder Singh)
  86. Office order regarding the Extension in Tenure of Guest Faculty up to 20.07.2023
  87. Office order regarding the Extension in the Tenure of Engagement of Medical Consultant (Homeopathy) up to 30.09.2023
  88. Office order regarding the extension of empaneled Doctors and Diagnostic centres
  89. Office order regarding Nomination of Faculty Coordinator of MOOCS/SWAYAM
  90. DPC for various Non-teaching posts in the SLIET Longowal
  91. Notification regarding Entrustment of charge of Director, SLIET Longowal
  92. Office order regarding regarding assigned the additional duties of Chairman, Shop Allotment Committee to Dr. Pradeep Gupta Prof. (ME)
  93. Office Order regarding CAS-2022, Preliminary Screening Committee Report (Level-2)
  94. Office Order regarding Re-constitution of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC), SLIET, Longowal
  95. Office order regarding Extension of deputation period of Dr. Harish Kumar Sharma, Director, NIT Agartala
  96. Office order regarding Dr. Manpreet Singh Manna, AsP (EIE) Joining at Chandigarh University as Pro Vice Chancellor
  97. Office Order regarding Appointment of Part-time Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) to Dr. Pradeep Kumar Jain, Professor (M&H)
  98. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional charge of HOD (M&H) to Dr. Japprit Kaur, Professor (M&H) w.e.f. 15.11.2022
  99. Circular – General to Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh 2022 – Grant on paid holiday on the day of poll
  100. Office Order regarding the leave application already approved prior to announcement of holidays may be treated as modified to extend by treating 26,27 & 28 Oct 2022 as prefix/suffix
  101. Notification regarding Extension of Tenure of Director, SLIET
  102. Office Order regarding Norms for Industrial Training for faculty
  103. Office Order regarding Research Promotion Grant for the Newly Recruited Faculty members as Seed Money
  104. Office Order regarding Payment of Gratuity to the SLIET employees covered under New Pension Scheme
  105. Office Order regarding of Name of Transit Accommodation
  106. Office Order regarding Extension in Tenure of Dean (Research & Consultancy) for a further period of one year w.e.f 18.09.2022
  107. Office Order regarding Extension in Tenure of Dean (Planning & Development) for a further period of one year w.e.f 18.09.2022
  108. Constitution of Referral Board for considering APAR representations (non-teaching employees)
  109. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties of Guest House (including Transit Accommodation) to Sh. Ashok Kumar, Accountant w.e.f. 17.08.2022
  110. Office Order regarding the Headship of Workshop
  111. Office Order regarding the Headship of Mathematics Department
  112. Office Order regarding of assignment of additional duties of Co-ordinator, Universal Human Value and Faculty Advisor, Happy Club
  113. Office Order regarding the Local Holiday on 23.06.2022
  114. Circular and Consent Form regarding Promotion to the post of Senior Technicians and Technicians
  115. Office Orders regarding the Hospitality & Mobile charges approved to the Head of Training & Placement department
  116. Notification regarding Compensatory Leave
  117. Office Order regarding assigned additional Duties of HOD (M&H) to Dr. P.K. Jain, Professor (M&H) & HOD (C.S.E.) to Dr. Birmohan Singh, Professor (C.S.E.) w.e.f. 30.05.2022
  118. Office Order regarding Cultural Committee of techFEST 2023
  119. Office Order regarding Committee of techFEST 2023
  120. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Chairperson of SPIC MACAY to Dr. Kamlesh Kumari, Prof (Chemical Engineering)
  121. Circular regarding The Working/office Timing for all the Offices of SLIET, Longowal
  122. Office Order regarding Constitution of Departmental Purchase Committee & Inspection Committee (Institute Level & SLIET Health Centre)
  123. Office Order regarding Additional duties of Chairman, House Allotment Committee & Chairman, Shop Allotment Committee
  124. Office Order regarding Empanelment Hospitals/Diagnostic Scan/Imaging Centres
  125. Office Order regarding joining of Registrar, SLIET, Longowal
  126. Office Order regarding the Additional Duties of Co-coordinator of IQAC to Dr. Shankar Singh, Professor (ME)
  127. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Deputy Controller Vehicle to Mr. Surinder Kumar, AP (ME)
  128. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Nodal Officer (Electoral Literacy Clubs) to Dr. Jaspal Singh Gill, AsP (ME)
  129. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Controller Vehicle to HoD Workshop
  130. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Chief Warden (Boys) to Dr. Indraj Singh, Associate Professor (ME)
  131. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Nodal Officer, Anti-Ragging to Dr. Indraj Singh, Associate Professor (ME)
  132. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional Duties as Faculty In charge (Security) to Dr. Charanjiv Singh Saini, Professor (FET)
  133. Office Order regarding Assignment of Additional duties as Warden to Dr. Utkarsh, AP (CSE)
  134. Office Order regarding Additional Duty of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of SLIET Entrance Test (SET-2022)
  135. SLIET Holidays Calendar 2022
  136. Office Order regarding Extension of Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) Rules and Regulations
  137. Appointment of Liaison Officer for OBC, Dr. J.S. Ubhi, Professor, Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
  138. Office Order regarding Additional duties of Nodal Officer (EPF) to Sh. Prabhdeep Singh, Estate Officer
  139. Office Order regarding Putting-up the letters/affidavits/documents in proper manner
  140. Office Order regarding Putting-up the files/proposals in proper manner
  141. Office Order regarding assigned additional Duties of Co-Ordinator (IQAC) and (PGO) to Dr. A.S. Arora, Professor (EIE) w.e.f. 15.09.2021
  142. Corrigendum regarding the reimbursement of newspapers expenses to the Officers/officials
  143. Office Order regarding assigned additional Duties of Associate Dean (P&D) to Dr. Avinash Thakur, Professor (C.E.) w.e.f. 16.09.2021
  144. Office Order regarding assigned additional Duties of HOD (C.E.) to Dr. Pushpa Jha, Professor (C.E.) w.e.f. 16.09.2021
  145. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Dean (Academics) to Dr. J. S. Dhillon, Professor (EIE) w.e.f. 24.07.2021
  146. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Dean (Faculty & Staff Welfare) to Dr. A. S. Arora, Professor (EIE) w.e.f. 15.09.2021
  147. Office order regarding the joining of Mrs. Minu Kumari W/o Late Sh. Madan Mohan Kumar as LDC w.e.f 28.08.2021
  148. Nomination of Dr. Anuj Bansal AP (ME) to act as Nodal officer to mobilize the students for coaching classes for Govt. Exams.
  149. Office Order regarding Industrial Training for faculty members
  150. Office Order regarding Additional Duties of Dean (SW) to Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Professor (ME) w.e.f. 20.07.2021
  151. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Associate Dean (SW) to Dr. Anupma Marwaha, Professor (ECE)
  152. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Chief Warden (Girls) to Dr. Pratibha Tyagi, AsP (EIE)
  153. Office order regarding Additional Duties of Head, T&P to Dr. R.K. Saxena, Professor (ME) w.e.f. 01.08.2021
  154. Office Order regarding Additional Duties of Dean (Academic) to Dr. J.S. Dhillon, Dean (FSW) & Prof. (EIE) w.e.f 24.07.2021
  155. Office Order regarding Additional Duties of Associate Dean (Academic Planning) to Dr. J.S. Ubhi, Professor (ECE) w.e.f 01.08.2021
  156. Office Order regarding Additional Duties of Chief Warden (Boys) to Dr. Sukhcharan Singh, Prof. (FET) w.e.f 01.08.2021
  157. Office Order regarding constitution of Training & Placement Management Committee (TPMC)
  158. Dr. Surita Maini, Professor, assigned additional duties of HOD(EIE) w.e.f 13.07.2021
  159. Office Order regarding Extension in Headship Department of Food Engineering & Technology (FET)
  160. Office Order regarding Extension in Headship of Department of Disabilities Studies (DDS)
  161. Office Order regarding additional duty of Faculty In-charge (Civil)- extended the period
  162. Office Order regarding Central Library Committee
  163. Office Order regarding Nominate a Nodal Officer to Facilitate the Student of West Bengal for Student’s Credit Card Scheme
  164. Office Order regarding Additional duties of Chairman, Central Library Committee (CLC)
  165. Office Order regarding Telephone Exchange Committee
  166. Office Order regarding Social Media Cell
  167. Office Order regarding Institutional Publicity & Media Interaction Committee
  168. Office Order regarding Cultural Committee
  169. Office Order regarding Extension in Headship of M&H and CSE Departments.
  170. Office Order regarding Earned leave admissible to a Teacher
  171. Office Order regarding Containment Zone (Type II & Type III)
  172. Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, MTS is posted in Health Centre
  173. Office Order regarding Rules for appointment of Heads of Departments
  174. Office order regarding Rules for appointment of Deans
  175. Mr. Navneet Goyal, AP(Mech) on Contract Basis transferred to T&P 
  176. Dr. Amandeep Singh Shahi, Professor, assigned additional duties of HOD(Mech.) w.e.f 16.04.2021
  177. Dr. Dhiraj Sud, Professor (Chemistry) assigned additional duties of Head, Department of Chemistry
  178. Head, Department of Civil Engineering will be looked after by Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  179. CPDA expenditure in three year block
  180. Partial Modification in Sports Management Committee Order
  181. Sports Management Committee 
  182. Dr. A.S. Dhaliwal, Professor(Physics) assigned additional duties of Dean (R&C)
  183. Dr. P.S. Panesar, Professor(FET) assigned additional duties of  Dean (P&D)
  184. Corrigendum-      Withdrawn the promotion through DPC for the post of Deputy Registrar
  185. Withdrawn the promotion through DPC for the post of Deputy Registrar
  186. Reimbursement of expense on Newspaper for Group ‘A’ Officers
  187. Reimbursement of various expenses to the Group A Officers
  188. Dr. J.S. Dhillon, Professor(EIE) as a Dean(Faculty & Staff Welfare) has been extended for one year
  189. Dr. Avinash Thakur, Professor(Chemical Engg.) the period of Headship Extended for One year
  190. Dr. Kulwant Singh, Professor(Mech. Engg.) assigned additional duties of Head(Workshop)
  191. Dr. A.S.K. Sinha, Associate Professor(Chemical Engg.) assigned the additional duties of Chairman, SLIET Gas Agency
  192. Gender Budget Cell
  193. Scope of work of Internal Audit Cell
  194. Dr. V.K. Kukreja, Professor(Maths) is nominated as Head (Mathematics)
  195. Dr. Amrik Singh, Associate Professor (ME) nominated as  Head(Workshop)
  196. Dr. Amrik Singh, Associate Professor (ME) regarding relieved from Additional Duty of Associate Dean (P&D)
  197. Ref No. SLIET/ REG/10235 dated 18.08.2020
  198. Shri MahanaKrishan C, Deputy Registrar assigned additional duties of Central Public Information Officer
  199. Dr. Ravi Kant Mishra, Professor(Mathematics), as Head(T&P) has been extended till further order
  200. Health Centre Management Committee dated 10.08.2020
  201. Reagrding regarding taking any type of Leave dated 27.07.2020
  202. Mr. Harjit Singh, Assistant Registrar as a Section Head (Store & Purchase)
  203. Joining of Mr. Harmesh Singh, Assistant Registrar
  204. Services rendered by Dr. Navdeep Jindal, Associate Professor(FET), as Deputy Registrar
  205. Dr. Anupma Marwaha, Professor, ECE, assigned additional duties of Chairperson, Health Centre.
  206. Tenure of Dr. R.k. Saxena & Dr. Navdeep Jindal as Associate Dean has been Extended for a period of One Year
  207. Dr. Surinder Singh, Professor (ECE) assigned Additional Duty of HOD 
  208. Dr. A.S. Arora, Professor(EIE) as Dean (Academics) has been  Extended till Further Order
  209. Empanelment of Hospitals/Ultrasound Centres Extended upto 30.11.2020
  210. Joining of Estate Officer Mr. Prabhdeep Singh
  211. Timings of the Consultant (Homeopathy)  Office Order no. SLIET/Admn/8271-79 dated 09.06.2020
  212. Notification No.SLIET/REG/7254-56 dated 08.05.2020
  213. Dean(R&C) assigned Additional charge of Dean(P&D)
  214. Dr. Manminder Singh, AP(CSE) part of Core Committee of the TEQIP-III Project
  215. Dr. Raj Kumar Garg, Associate Professor (EIE), assigned additional duties of Faculty In-charge (Electrical)
  216. Dr. Vinod Kumar Verma, Assistant Professor, Nodal Officer upload information on National Web Portal
  217. Joining of Registrar Sh. Ravinder Kumar
  218. Transfer order of Staff (04/12/2019)
  219. Joining of Assistant Registrar Sh. Pankaj
  220. SLIET Holidays Calendar 2020
  221. CPDA Guidelines under Contingency Head (2018-21)
  222. Circular- Action points on procurement of products available on Government-e-Market(GeM)
  223. Circular regarding Phasing out single use plastic
  224. Voluntary Retirement Scheme
  225. Handover the complete charge of Deputy Registrar (Administration)
  226. Joining of Deputy Registrar Sh. Mohanakrishnam C.
  227. Sh. Jawala Singh, AAO assigned the additional duties of Deputy Registrar(A&A)
  228. Dr. Avinash Thakur, Associate Professor(Chem) assigned additional duties of Estate Officer
  229. Co-ordinator, Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET)
  230. CAS Preliminary Screening Committee (Level-2) Recommendations
  231. Revised Honorarium to conduct Laboratory experiments at SLIET (Institution of Engineers)
  232. Sh. Asim Ali Khan, Associate Professor (EIE), Nodal Officer (EPF)
  233. Dr. R.K. Mishra, Professor as Head, T&P extended for period of one year
  234. Dr. P.S. Panesar, Professor(FET) assigned additional duties of Dean(R&C)
  235. Office-Order for additional duties of TPO
  236. Dr. Major Singh, ASP(CSE) assigned duties of Chairman, Central Time Table Committee
  237. Nominated as Social Media Champion
  238. HOD Department of Disabilities Studies
  239. Self Appraisal Proforma Regarding       —–Proforma —         — Guideline
  240. SLIET/ADMIN/1877-84 dated 03/07/2019
  241. Senior Professor Scale – Regarding
  242. Missing Items in Incidence of May 06,2013
  243. Associate Dean(P&D) Dy.Registrar(S&P)
  244. Student Member for One Year in Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)
  245. Dr. Pardeep Kumar Jain, Professor assigned duties of PIO
  246. Associate Dean – regarding  23/05/2019
  247. Hospitals/Ultrasound Centres Re-empanelled for one year w.e.f 16.03.2019
  248. Children Education Allowance/hostel Subsidy
  249. Office order– Mr. Naveen Kumar Kaushley resignation
  250. Circular REG/19/105 dated 05.04.02019
  251. Promotion under CAS last date extended
  252. Corringendum — Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA)
  253. Office Order DDS HOD-regarding
  254. Office Order – Chairman BOM SLIET
  255. Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) Guidelines and Forms (2018-21)
  256. Last Date Extended for CAS Application upto 31 January 2019
  257. SLIET Holiday Calendar 2019
  258. Promotion under CAS Office Order No. SLIET/Admn./18/4331-34 dated 06.12.2018
  259. Over Time Allowances for Operation Staff
  260. Honorarium for Deans, Chief Warden, Warden
  261. Nodal Officer, Anti Ragging for the Academic Year 2018-2019
  262. Authorities Appointed under RTI Act  07-08-2018
  263. Authorities Appointed under RTI Act    23-07-2018
  264. Guidelines to be followed for holding of Conferences/Workshops/Seminars, etc (Domestic & International)
  265. Action to be Taken on Item No. 20.15 of 20th meeting of the Senate held on 15.01.2018
  266. Hospital/Ultrasound Centre re-impanelled dated 16-03-2018
  267. Office Order .Reg.No.SLIET/Admn/2239-48 Regarding Anti Ragging for the academic year 2017-2018
  268. Guideline on Air Travel On Official Tours-Purchase of Air Tickets from authorised Agent-Reg
  269. Hospital/Ultrasound Centre re-impanelled upto 30-11-2017 (Letter No. 5500-5503 dt. 18.01.17)
  270. Holiday Institute’s Calendar 2017
  271. Office Order No.SLIET/REG/16/866 dated 30.05.2016
  272. Stoppage of Sitting Fee amount to the officials of Ministry/attached Institutions dated-17-2016
  273. Grievance Redressal Committe Office Order
  274. Institute’s Calendar 2016
  275. Office Order for Biometric Attendance System-2
  276. Office Order for Biometric Attendance System-1
  277. Office Order regarding empenalment of Chandigarh Heart Centre, Sangrur
  278. Office Order regarding empanellment of Hospitals/Ultrasound Centre for SLIET Employees.
  279. MHRD letter dated 01 Aug 2012 regarding submission of Annual Property Return
  280. DOPT Notification dated 09 May 2011 regarding Rule 18 of CCS (Conduct) Rule 1964
  281. Recognition of Services Asociations Rules